Sales Automation

CRM Resources >> User Guide >> Sales Automation

eZnet CRM offers your sales team and executives a variety of sales management assessments. These assessments include: lead qualification and generation, sales pipeline, probability analysis, competitor analysis, sales forecasting and other metrics. These valuable reports create an opportunity for your business analysts to focus on the Customer Life-Cycle and essentially increase sales revenue.

You can use eZnet CRM sales automation modules and options like:






Sales Forecast (Probability)

Opportunity Tracking



Leads are the details about individuals or representatives of organizations. They play a very important role in an organization’s Sales & Marketing department and are useful in identifying potential customers. Leads can be obtained through trade shows, seminars, advertisements, marketing campaigns etc.

Import Lead

To import leads, the .xls file must be the same template given by eZnet CRM.
To populate your leads download the template (Import Lead > Download Template) and import the .xls file.

Align the drop-down module headers based on the details that you input on the Excel template spreadsheet.

Add Lead

You may also add a lead manually by inputting the necessary information indicated by an asterisk.

 A lead can be assigned to multiple users.

add crm leads

 Quick Entry is used to enter customer information, but has limited display.

Convert Leads

When a lead has agreed to continue business with your organization, eZnet CRM allows you to convert a lead into an opportunity. You will be given the option to name the opportunity, input an Expected Close Date/Time, select the sales stage and assign the potential customer to an employee or department. With the information that you have provided in the CRM, you may use filters to search for a certain customers with various attributes.

 When converting a lead into an opportunity, the contact deletes from the lead list. Create

Create Lead Reports

eZnet CRM generates a lead report from information previously added to the system. To access this report, select the REPORT module item and choose from the options given in the drop down columns.

create lead reports

 Dates are mandatory to generate the lead report.

Conversely, if the criterion was inaccurate, a report is not generated. Instead, the screen will display “No Record Found”.


Customers are people with whom you are presently conducting business.

Import Customer

You can either import from an .xls file, however the file must be the same template given by eZnet CRM.

no leads found

To populate contacts, download the template (Import Contact > Download Template) and import the .xls file.

Add Customer

You may also add a customer manually by inputting the necessary information in the standard fields, indicated by an asterisk.

After entering information for the customer, a customer code generates and that file is ready for use in all modules.

add customer


Contacts are individuals within the organization you are communicating with.

Create Contact

To create a contact in eZnet CRM, manually input the basic information of the contact. You can choose to categorize them under a particular company and assign their file to another user.

add contact

Contact List

Organize contacts in a single file by exporting the list into a single Excel spreadsheet.

contact list


Quotes are estimates requested by the potential customer based on the cost of the items in the inventory.

Create Quotes

Effectively track and manage quotes for customers by creating a quote in eZnet CRM. However, you must ensure there are items listed and priced in the ITEM MASTER. To generate accurate quotes once or on a recurring basis, input the required fields indicated by * asterisks.

contact list

 Taxable option based on geographic location of billing address.

However, in the event that a customer requests a copy of the quote, you may send the details and other related documents via email by selecting the “Send Quote” feature displayed in the photo below.Once you have clicked “Send Quote”, the screen below should appear.

Fill the necessary information including additional documents such as photos and other files you wish to send.
Emails can be sent to a customer already listed in CRM and may be carbon copied (cc) to recipients outside of the CRM system.

Cancel or Edit Recurring Quotes

You may cancel or modify any recurring quotes in the main menu of the Quotes module.
When you have arrived at the RECURRING QUOTES menu, the list below shows all the quotes that you have chosen as a recurring entry in the Calendar.

contact list

Select an action Icon to edit.
This screen will only allow you to edit Entry Type, Interval and Start /Stop dates. To cancel the Quotes that are listed, select the red x.
If your deletion is successful, you will see a notice highlighted in red.


Opportunities are organizations or individuals that have the potential to continue business with your company.

Create Opportunities

You may create a new opportunity in eZnet CRM using the mandatory fields indicated by an asterisk.

 Adding a new opportunity does not provide address and phone number entries.

Converting a lead into an opportunity, the information for the customer will populate the necessary fields.

contact list

Sales Forecast (Probability)

Within the Opportunity module, the Probability field is optional, but a pivotal in tracking Sales Forecasts. In CRM, Probability is the likelihood of an Opportunity converting to a Customer. This percentage is strictly at the discretion of the user and may be utilized as a gauge for Executives, Sales and Marketing personnel.

To generate a probability-based Sales Forecast Report, you will have to sort the current list of Opportunities using the Filter tool. You can add Probability as a column or a rule for the report.

 CRM does not allow duplicate columns or rules.

Opportunity Tracking

Within the Opportunity module, the Expected Close Date field is mandatory and pivotal in tracking Opportunities in CRM. The designee of the Opportunity is alerted near to their Expected Close Date, to help organize their priorities and close more deals.


Within the Opportunity module, the Sales Stage field is mandatory and is pivotal in tracking Opportunities. Options available in the Sales Stage are based on the criteria set by the full-access Administrator or user with permission.

* To know more about how eZnet CRM works, SIGN UP FOR FREE.